Observer sends student pilot packets

Observer sends out school packets for student pilots


Action sequence: Set of charts is printed Sunday through Thursday night. School's command picks them up at 6-8 AM.


What supports the action sequence? 


What is the needed information?

MIDDS SAND application has access to Difax charts produced by NWS. Charts are called up in SAND and printed from there.

How to operate SAND, where to find the products that are requested (a standard list of products).


What is good or useful about the support and the depiction of needed information?


·        In general, SAND has a lot of potential if it works as it is supposed to ( see next block)


What about the support or information depiction makes the action sequence difficult?


·        MARTA is slow and sometimes charts don't come in a timely fashion.

·        Every fifteen minutes (can configure length of time) the system tries to get all 95 charts.

·        If the chart is not there - it skips the product.

·        Sometimes the system hangs and several hours can elapse without charts.

·        They have to hang up the connection and  redial to get the charts going again.


Concept Mapping Toolkit
Insitute for Human and Machine Cognition
The University of West Florida