Thunderstorm Verification

SOP Number & Name

2130  Thunderstorm Verification


·        FDO or SRF verifies a thunderstorm via radar, etc.

·        OPS Assistant fills out a form in conjunction with the TAF verification.   

·        Attach a chart and an observation sheet, and should attach a radar picture, to the verification sheet.

Who does this procedure?

Forecaster, OPS Assistant.

How often?

Whenever there has been a thunderstorm.

Frequency of reference to the SOP

The Operations Assistant looks at it at the end of every month, especially page 2 (which lists the conditions)


·        Condition 2  -  when Thunderstorms will be in the terminal area within the next 6 hours, or are within 24 nautical miles of the terminal area.

·        Condition 1 - when Thunderstorms will be in the terminal area within 1 hour or are within 10 nautical miles of the terminal area.

Concept Mapping Toolkit
Insitute for Human and Machine Cognition
The University of West Florida