FDO Forecasts for New Orleans, Meridian and Whiting

Forecast Duty Officer provides services to New Orleans, Meridian, and Whiting


NOTE: FDO doesn't usually do this (usually SRF), but on weekends and holidays there is a

                    manning issue. May be only one forecaster for FDO and SRF (on light days).

Action sequence:

·        At night when METOC takes over.

·        Begin with daily climatological averages and work from there--maximum and minimum temperatures.

·        Examine models.

·        Examine NOGAPS.

·        Examine surface chart.

·        Examine 500mb chart--shows what causes may lead to worsening.


What supports the action sequence? 


What is the needed information?


CONTEL Meteorological Workstation

MIDDS computer

Models from Monterey--altimeter settings for various places, ditch angles for flights over water.

Procedure depends on the season.

Winter--look for fronts.

Summer--look for fog, thunder storms.

Station forecasts



What is good or useful about the support and the depiction of needed information?


·        The task is routine

·        CONTEL Meteorological Workstation provides forecasts from any station in the US--DOD, NWS, airports

·        MIDDS supports internet work

·        MIDDS rarely crashes

·        Is good compared to other Navy systems

·        NOGAPS and other prognoses help confirm long-range forecasts.

·        There is so much on the internet, you can go in there and play and get better and better--you learn what works in what situations.



Concept Mapping Toolkit
Insitute for Human and Machine Cognition
The University of West Florida